Download previous Fiery Command WorkStation versions

Fiery® Command WorkStation® centralizes job management, connects to all Fiery servers on the network, and achieves optimal results in real time to increase productivity. The intuitive interface makes complex tasks simple, regardless of the operators' experience, while the flexible software adapts to any environment.

About previous releases

Installing a previous version of Fiery Command WorkStation allows you to connect to older Fiery server types, and install onto older operating systems. Completing the form will take you to a page where you can download Fiery Command WorkStation 7.0, 6.8, 6.7, 6.6, 6.5, 6.4, 6.2, or 5.8 packages, plus find out more compatibility information.

If you are a user of a high-speed inkjet printer do not proceed with this download. Contact your printer manufacturer for information on how to upgrade your version of Fiery Command WorkStation.

Learn more about supported Fiery system versions

Go to the Fiery Command WorkStation page.

Fiery Command WorkStation Download


How do I find which Fiery System and Fiery server version I have?

our Fiery System version is listed in the Device Center General Information tab in Command WorkStation. This information also is accessible on the Fiery configuration page printed via the Fiery server.

Fiery Command WorkStation 6:

Fiery Command WorkStation 5:


How to uninstall a previous version before installing

If you need to install an earlier version of Fiery® Command WorkStation®, you must uninstall the newer version first. Downgrading instructions differ based on the client or server Fiery Command WorkStation version installed.

Uninstalling version 6.0 or higher from a client computer

Microsoft® Windows®
1. Open Fiery Software Manager, and select the Trashcan icon next to Fiery Command WorkStation.
2. Select the Start button > Settings > Apps > Apps & features (or Add/Remove Programs on older versions of Windows).
3. Select the Fiery Command WorkStation Package from the list and select Uninstall. Restart the computer when you are prompted.

1. Open the Fiery Software Uninstaller application, and select the Fiery Command WorkStation Package from the list of applications. Click Uninstall.
2. When prompted with "Do you want to remove Fiery Software Manager also" click Yes.

Uninstalling version 6.4 or higher from a Fiery server

Microsoft Windows
1. Open Fiery Software Manager, and select the Trashcan icon next to Fiery Command WorkStation.
2. Select the Start button > Settings > Apps > Apps & features (or Add/Remove Programs on older versions of Windows).
3. Select the Fiery Command WorkStation Package from the list and select Uninstall. Restart the computer when you are prompted.

Uninstalling version 6.0-6.3 from a Fiery server

Microsoft Windows
1. First, ensure you have the original User Software DVD for your Fiery server.
2. Open Fiery Software Manager and select the Trashcan icon next to Fiery Command WorkStation.
3. Select the Start button > Settings > Apps > Apps & features (or Add/Remove Programs on older versions of Windows).
4. Select the Fiery Command WorkStation package from the list and select Uninstall. Restart the computer when you are prompted.
5. Reinstall the original Fiery Command WorkStation version included on the User Software DVD.


Installation on a Fiery Server not connected to the internet

1. Copy the Fiery Command WorkStation Package software to the Fiery server. We recommend copying the file to the E: or J: partition because these partitions usually have a large amount of storage space.
2. Double-click the software package file.
3. The package is extracted to a folder named for the software version. For example, the folder may be named CWSPackage65.
4. Browse to the folder and then browse to the "Windows_User_SW” subfolder.
5. Double-click MasterInstaller.exe. The installation process starts.