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Self-Serve AdminCentral

A smart way to manage self-serve copy and print

Self-Serve AdminCentral, a cloud-based web application lets you easily manage your M600 copy and print stations anywhere, any time.



Self-Serve AdminCentral, a cloud-based web application, works with the M600 station to offer an affordable self-serve copy and print solution. It features minimal IT maintenance costs, while adhering to strict payment industry standards. AdminCentral enables central control of M600 stations located in multiple sites, and communicates with card authorisation services. From anywhere with a web browser, AdminCentral allows an administrator to monitor and manage transactions involving credit, campus and cash cards; plus provides a convenient way to configure and maintain the system.

serve admincentral chart
  • Easy to use and manage from anywhere.
  • Low barrier to entry with minimal maintenance cost.
  • Quick status checking and reporting right from a web browser.


Check out screenshot tours of Self-Serve AdminCentral.

Configure global and local settings

  • Add or configure devices and print services
  • Set or adjust prices and tax rates
  • Apply software updates for devices

Monitor real-time status and generate sales reports

  • Check device health status and transaction snapshots
  • Check detailed transactions and print receipt
  • Generate various sales and usage reports


Configure global settings

Enter or edit your business name, country and select language.

Configure global settings

Configure payment gateway and select payment cards available.

Configure global settings

Set tax authorities

Configure global settings

Create or edit service products(SKU).

Configure M600 stations and print services by location

Add or edit locations.

Configure M600 stations and print services by location

Select a location and set tax rate and price list.

Configure M600 stations and print services by location

Set up M600 device profile for the location. Enter device name, select printer manufacturer and model.

Configure M600 stations and print services by location

Enter IP address of the printer and select file access methods available from the M600 station.

Apply software updates

Get notified as soon as software updates are available for your M500 stations.

Apply software updates

Automatically apply updates to all devices for all locations at once.

Apply software updates

Or, select desired locations and M500 stations for updates. Click “Update” to push the latest software to the devices.


Monitor real-time status of M600 stations and transactions

Check device health status and transaction snapshots from Dashboard.

Monitor real-time status of M600 stations and transactions

Check transactions sorted by locations and dates.

Monitor real-time status of M600 stations and transactions

Select a transaction to check the detail and print receipt.

Generate sales and usage reports

Generate sales reports by selecting report type, location and timeframe.

Generate sales and usage reports

Generate location activity report to compare device and service usage between locations.

Generate sales and usage reports

Generate “Sales by Hour of the Day” report to check walk-in traffic trends during business hours.


Case Studies

Fiery Self-Serve M500 Station: University Center of Lake County case study

Read about how the University Center of Lake County manages printing resources and recoups cost with M500 stations.

Fiery Self-Serve M500 Station: Barry University case study

Learn how Barry University students and staff use Fiery M500 Stations in locations across campus to print wirelessly from mobile devices.

Fiery Self-Serve M500 Station: The Westin Columbus case study

Learn how Westin Columbus offers convenient self-serve printing solution for their guests.

Fiery Self-Serve M500 Station: Loyola Marymount University Case Study

Loyola Marymount University puts “print shops” all over campus with Fiery Self-Serve technology.


Fiery Self-Serve AdminCentral Datasheet

Get an overview of the cloud-based Fiery Self-Serve AdminCentral and learn how it easily manages M600 stations right from a web browser.