Self-Serve AdminCentral
A smart way to manage self-serve copy and print
Self-Serve AdminCentral, a cloud-based web application lets you easily manage Self-Serve devices and PrintMe® service anywhere, any time.
Self-Serve AdminCentral, a cloud-based management portal, works with the M600 station, as well as PrintMe web service to offer an affordable self-serve copy and print solution. It features minimal IT maintenance costs. AdminCentral enables central control of M600 stations located in multiple sites, and managing card authorization services of the devices. From anywhere with a web browser, AdminCentral allows an administrator to monitor and manage transactions involving credit, campus and cash cards; plus provides a convenient way to configure and maintain the system.
- Easy to use and manage from anywhere.
- Low barrier to entry with minimal maintenance cost.
- Quick status checking and reporting right from a web browser.
Check out screenshot tours of Self-Serve AdminCentral.
Configure global and local settings
- Add or configure devices and print services
- Set or adjust prices and tax rates
- Apply software updates for devices
Monitor real-time status and generate sales reports
- Check device health status and transaction snapshots
- Check detailed transactions and print receipt
- Generate various sales and usage reports
Case Studies
Self-Serve Copy and Print Case Study: Barry University
Case Study: Barry University moves up to Self-Serve M600 Stations for cloud-based capabilities and more flexibility
Fiery Self-Serve M500 Station: University Center of Lake County case study
Read about how the University Center of Lake County manages printing resources and recoups cost with M500 stations.
Barry University uses Self-Serve M600 Stations for cloud-based capabilities
Learn how students and staff use M600 Stations to print wirelessly from mobile devices.
Fiery Self-Serve M500 Station: The Westin Columbus case study
Learn how Westin Columbus offers convenient self-serve printing solution for their guests.
Fiery Self-Serve AdminCentral Datasheet
Get an overview of the cloud-based Fiery Self-Serve AdminCentral and learn how it easily manages M600 stations right from a web browser.
Installation-Setup Guides
EFI Self-Serve PA-DSS Implementation Guide for AdminCentral 1.2.3
See how to implement the EFI Self-Serve and Payment system, incorporating the Self-Serve AdminCentral Transaction Engine with PCI DSS compliance.