Fiery Spot-On

Out-of-the box tools for accurate brand color reproduction.

Customer Quote

Color matching is critical, including for custom PANTONE colors. Therefore, accurate color printing was our top priority and why we chose Fiery servers.

Hakan Yilmaz, Fiba Retail


Fiery Spot-On is the baseline spot color management tool included with most color Fiery servers. Easily accessible from Fiery Command WorkStation, Spot-On provides accurate color matching and customization for brand colors quickly and easily.

Users who need more advanced spot color management functions should invest in Fiery Spot Pro. View the comparison to learn more about the differences.

Create custom colors

Users can create custom spot colors to match brand owner requirements. Create a new color using an existing color in the library, manually enter CMYK/LAB values, or capture using a spectrophotometer.

Edit spot colors

Adjust spot color values to meet a desired appearance. Manually edit values or visually choose a match using spot color variations.

Create substitute colors

Provides a way to map RGB values to CMYK values. For users that require accurate brand color reproduction from Microsoft Office applications, consider investing in a Fiery server that supports Fiery TrueBrand.

Print swatch books

Generate simple swatch pages. Additional functionality for printing swatches is available in Fiery Spot Pro.


  • Standard on all external Fiery color servers
  • Standard on many embedded Fiery color servers. Others may require an optional package to enable. Check Fiery server materials for details.


Other Resources

Fiery Spot Pro vs Spot-On product comparison

Compare feature set between Fiery Spot Pro and Fiery Spot-On spot color management tools