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Heidelberg Prinect Integration

Drive both digital and offset presses from one place

Heidelberg® Prinect® integration with Fiery® digital print servers creates a single workflow management system for offset and digital printing.


Heidelberg® Prinect® integration with Fiery® digital print servers provides a significant impact on efficiency in many production scenarios: with long or short job run length, a mix of static and variable components, or when creating quick proofing with digital press for longer offset press runs. Each job can be routed to the most cost-effective device on the fly from the same familiar Prinect user interface.

Heidelberg Prinect integration with Fiery digital print servers requires Prinect Digital Print Manager with Fiery Driven™ Heidelberg Linoprint C System or Prinect Digital Print Connector with Fiery Driven non-Linoprint printers found here.


Hybrid workflow to solve today’s challenging print demands

  • Connects the widest selection of digital print engines with industry-leading Fiery technology.
  • CIP4 JDF-certified to maximize interoperability.
  • Controls multiple devices from a single user interface and routes jobs to the most cost-effective device.
  • Enables digital printing applications such as quick initial short run, short-run reprints, quick digital proofs or variable data printing.

Flexible ways to automate production processes

  • Template-based flexible workflow automates production processes such as color, media, layout, finishing settings and more.
  • Dynamically maps color mode, layout imposition; and inline finishing such as saddle-stitch booklet, stapling, punching and folding through JDF/JMF.

Highly integrated user interface to optimize operational efficiency

  • Automatically synchronizes media library, allowing Prinect to get full access to Fiery Paper Catalog.
  • Displays production status updates such as, device online/offline status, tray contents with loaded media, and job status; or spooling, printing, printed, rejected and canceled — right from the Prinect user interface.


Case Studies

Fiery DFE integration to Heidelberg Prinect: Fynske Medier case study

Automated production and integrated workflow speeds throughput in a hybrid offset and digital environment.


Heidelberg Prinect Workflow Integration Datasheet

Drive both digital and offset presses — the hybrid workflow to solve today’s challenging print demands.


Fiery Hybrid Workflow White Paper

Driving hybrid print workflow: the key to future profitability.